Te koop Lp's - Artiesten beginletters A en B

Hieronder de Lijst van de ietwat duurdere Langspeelplaten van de Artiesten die beginnen met de letters A tot en met de B. Kijk de lijsten eens door, misschien zit er wat leuks tussen. ( bijgewerkt tot en met september 2024)

Naam groep Titel Euro KH KV Pakket/Info  
        hoes vinyl    
          & krasje niet te horen   
100 % Celsius Redgrass 7 euro ex ex Pan R - 1987 - Nld bluegrass PAN 125
100 Folk Celsius Country 5 euro ex ex Start - 1983 - Hongarije country SLPX 17695 
100 Folk Celsius OHIO 5 euro vg+ ex Pepita - 1983 - Hongarije SLPM 17799
10CC 10 CC ( greatest) 5 euro ex ex Teldec - 1979 - Dld 6.24012.
10CC Bloody Tourists 5 euro vg ex Mercury - 1978 - Gbr 9102 503
10CC Bloody Tourists 5 euro vg+ vg Polydor - 1978 - USA PD 1 - 6161
10CC Deceptive Bends 7 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1977 - Nld  6310 502
10CC Dreadlock Holiday 10 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1986 - Nld  814.655-1
10CC Live and let live  2 x LP 7 euro vg vg+ Mercury - 1977 - Dld 9199 322/323.
10CC Sheet Music 7 euro ex ex UK rec - 19734 - Gbr  UKAL 1007
10CC Windows in the jungle 7 euro vg ex Mercury - 1983 - Europa  814 007-1 
10CC Bloody Tourists 7 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1978 - Nld 6310 504
2 Brothers on the 1st Floor Turn da music up- Ult. Rave Mix  12 euro vg+ ex Bounce - 1992 - Nld house  ind 627.6
5 Hand Reel  Five Hand Reel 10 euro vg ex RCA - 1977 - Dld  folk PL 25 065
5X Carmen Maki' s  5x 7 euro geen ex Eastw- 1983 - Japan - heavy metal WTP 90213
A 440 Ulysses: The Greek Suite  7 euro vg+ vg+ 20 Centr Fox - 1978 -USA 2 xLP 2T-1101
ABBA Mamma Mia/ ABBA 10 euro vg+ vg+ Polydor - Nld/ Dld  2344 051
ABBA ABBA 10 euro vg+ vg+ Epic -Gbr reissue orange label EPC 80835
ABBA Abba greatest hits volume 2 7 euro ex ex Polydor - 1979 - Nld 2344 145
ABBA Supertrouper 7 euro vg vg+ Polydor - 1980 - Nld  2344 162
ABBA The best of ABBA 5 euro vg+ vg+ Polydor - 1976 - Nld 2340 116
ABBA Voulez Vous 5 euro vg+ vg Polydor - 1979 - Dld  2344 136
ABBA Arrival 5 euro vg ex Polydor - 1976 - Nld  2310 483
ABBA The very best of ABBA 2 x LP 13 euro vg vg+  Polydor - 1976 - Nld  2612 032
ABBA From ABBA with love 15 euro vg ex Polydor - 1984 - Nld 817 466 1
ABC The lexicon of love 7 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1982 - Mexico LPR 19065
Abe Lyman and his Californians Abe L and his C  volume 2 1926-1930 5 euro ex ex Grannyphone - Nld jazz Grphone 03309
Abelardo Barroso Papaito rinde homenaje a 7 euro ex vg& Sar  R - 1980 - USA latin SLP 1014
Absolute Elsewhere In search of Ancient Gods 15 euro vg+ ex WB - 1976 - Gbr K 56192
Absolute Elsewhere In search of Ancient Gods 15 euro vg+ ex Bomb - 1978 - Canada Bomb 106
Academy of Ancient Music WA Mozart - symp 34,41 10 euro ex ex Decca - 1984 - Dld  6.42974.
Accept Restless and wild 20 euro vg+ vg+ CNR-1982-Nld hardr/ krautr. 656.042. 
Accomplice Accomplice 7 euro vg ex Ariola - 1981 - Dld  203 739
ACE Five - a - side 7 euro vg+ ex Anchor - 1974 - Nld rock 5c062-96077
ACE No strings 5 euro ex ex Anchor - 1977 - Gbr  ancl 2020
Ad de Laat Vandaag d'n dag 7 euro vg+ ex Crossroad - 1981 - Nld folk CR 28 120
Ad de Laat Brabant, ge verandert… 7 euro vg+  vg+ Crossroad- 1980  - Nld folk  CR 281.01
Ad van Hoorn Ad van Hoorn 5 euro vg ex Telstar - Nld niet op discogs TAR 14980 TL
Ad Vanderhood Quartet Relaxing 5 euro ex ex RCA - Dld INTS 1173
Ad Visser Sobriëtas  7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1982 - Nld cbs 85990
Adam & the Ants Kings of the wild frontier 10 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1980 - Nld  CBS 84549
Adam & the Ants Prince Charming 10 euro ex vg+  CBS - 1981 - Europa 85268. 
Adamo Les plus grands success de SA 2 x LP 5 euro ex ex Emi - Nld 5c-13825466/7
Adamo Adamo 5 euro ex ex Mfp - 1979 - Nld 1a022-58114
Adamo Kieselsteine 5 euro g+ vg+ Hor Zu - 1972 - Dld  shze 357
Adéle Bloemendaal, Fr E Adele's  keus 5 euro vg+ ex Ariola - 1983 - Nld 205.894. 
Adhesion Judy plays Rob Pronk 10 euro ex ex Not on Label - 1987 - Nld jazz 6818 858
Adrian Snell The Virgin 5 euro vg+ vg+ Marshalls - 1981 - Gbr  musical MRT 1004 
Adrian Snell Feed the hungry heart 5 euro ex ex Myrrh - 1984 - Gbr religious MYR 1179
Adrian Wagner Distances between us 13 euro vg ex Atlantic - 1974 - Gbr K50082
Adriano Celentano Azurro  2 x LP 12 euro vg+ ex Ariola - 1971 - Dld  85 217 st
Adriano Celentano Disco Dance 5 euro vg vg+ Eurodisc - 1977 - Frankrijk 913 129 
Adriano Celentano Tecadisk 5 euro vg+ ex Ariola - 1977 - Dld 25 181 OT
Adriano Celentano Un Po'Artista Un Po' No 10 euro vg ex Ariola - 1980 - Dld  pop rock 201 726
Adriano Celentano Soli   20 euro vg+ ex Ariola - 1979 - Dld  200 687 320
AEOLIAH Angel Love 7 euro g+ vg+ Sona G - 1985 - Dld ambient LP 133
AERA Too much 5 euro geen ex Speigelei - 1981 - Dld jazzrock INT 145.625
AERA Too Much 10 euro nvt ex Spiegelei-1981-Dld jazz rock INT 145.625 
African Brothers Band International  Me Maame 18 euro geen vg+ Afribros - 1984 - Ghana  AB 005
Agent Steel Skeptics Apocalypse 10 euro geen vg+ Roadr - 1985 - Nld heavy metal RR 9759
Agnetha Faltskog (Abba) Wrap your arms around me 5 euro vg+ ex Polydor - 1983 - Nld 813 242
A-HA Scoundrel Days 7 euro matig ex WB - 1986 - Mexico  LWB -6543
A-HA Stay on these roads 13 euro vg+ vg+ WB - 1988 - Europa 925 733-1
Air Supply Greatest Hits 7 euro vg+ ex Arista - 1983 - Duitsland 205 545
Air Supply Hearts in Motion 5 euro ex ex Arista - 1986 - Dld 207891. 
Ais Lawalata Far away 5 euro vg+ vg+ Palm Club - 1982 - Nld (Nld artiest) 71982 PC 
Al Bowly The London Sessions 1928-1930 7 euro vg+ ex Saville - 1981 - Gbr jazz SVL 148 mono
Al di Meola Splendido Hotel  2 x LP 10 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1980 - Nld fusion 88468.
Al di Meola Land of the midnight sun 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1976 - Nld fusion CBS 81220
Al di Meola Elegant Gypsy 7 euro vg ex CBS - 1977 - Nld fusion CBS 81845
Al Hudson and the Partners Happy Feet  7 euro vg vg+ MCA - 1979 - Nld  funk  1a 062-63296
Al Jarreau Look to the rainbow - live 2 x LP 7 euro vg+ ex WB - 1977 - Europa  WB 66 059
Al Jarreau Jarreau 5 euro vg ex WB - 1983 - USA souljazz 25 0070 1
Al Jarreau Breakin' away 5 euro ex vg+ WB - 1981 - Europa K 56 917
Al Jolson California here I come 1911 -1928 5 euro vg+ ex Sunb.1977-USA  jazzniet op discogs P-505 
Al Jolson Steppin' Out  1911-1928 7 euro vg+ vg+ Sunb.1977-USA  jazz P-503 
Al Jolson The best of Al Jolson 5 euro vg+ ex Coral - Dld COPS 2022 
Al Jolson The best of Al Jolson 5 euro vg+ vg+ MCA - 1980 - Nld MCA 2-10002
Al Jolson/ Peggy Lee At their rarest … 2 x LP 5 euro ex ex Biac - 1979 - België  BRAD 10530-531
Al Stewart 24 Carrots 5 euro g+ ex RCA - 1980 - Nld PL 25306
Al Stewart Live - Indian Summer  2 x LP 7 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1981 - Europa RCA LP 9001
Al Stewart LIVE 2 x LP 7 euro vg+ vg+ Arista - 1981 - USA A2L 8607
Al Stewart Live Indian Summer  2 x LP 7 euro vg ex RCA - 1981 - Europa LP 9001 PL 25301
Al Stewart Love Chronicles 12 euro vg+ vg+  CBS - 1967 - Gbr 63460.
Al Stewart Modern Times 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1975 - Gbr 80477.
Al Stewart Modern Times 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1977 - Nld CBS 80477
Al Stewart Orange 10 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1972 - Gbr CBS 64730
Al Stewart Past, present & future 10 euro vg  vg+ CBS - 1973 - Nld S 65726
Al Stewart The Early Years  2 x LP  7 euro vg ex Janus - 1977 - USA  2xJS 7026
Al Stewart Year of the Cat 7 euro ex vg+ RCA - 1976 - Gbr RS 1082
Al Stewart Year of the Cat 7 euro ex vg+ RCA - 1977 - Nld  RS 1082
Al Stewart Zero she flies 10 euro g+ vg+ CBS - 1970 - Gbr 63848.
Alain Barriere Tu t'en vas celtina 10 euro ex vg+ Albatros - 1975 - Frankrijk chanson ALB 10 501
Alan Parsons Project EVE 7 euro vg+ vg+ Arista - 1979  Nld  5c 062 63 063
Alan Parsons Project EVE 7 euro vg vg+ Arista - 1979 - Dld 1c064 63 063 
Alan Parsons Project I robot 10 euro vg+ vg Ariste - 1977 - Nld schoonmaken AL 7002
Alan Parsons Project Pyramid 7 euro vg ex Arista - 1978 - Dld  201 129 
Alan Parsons Project Vulture Culture 10 euro vg+ vg+ Arista - 1985 - Eu 206 577
Alan Parsons Project EVE 7 euro ex vg+ Arista - 1979 - Portugal 201 157
Alan Parsons Project  I Robot 10 euro ex ex Arista - Portugal reissue 201 148
Alan Parsons Project Tales of Mystery and Imagination 10 euro vg+ ex Casablanca - Europa reissue 6463 160
Alan Sorrenti  L.A. & N. Y 5 euro g+ vg+ Carrere - 1979 - Fr  disco 67.358.
Alan Stivell Dublin Live 5 euro vg+ ex Fontana - 1975 - Gbr 9299 547
Alan Stivell E Langonned 5 euro ex ex Fontana - 1975 - Gbr 9101 500
Alan Stivell From Celtic Roots 5 euro vg ex Fontana - 1973 - Gbr 6325 304
Alan Stivell Journee 'a la maison 5 euro ex ex Philips - 1978 - Nld 6410 960
Alan Stivell Le disque d'or 5 euro vg ex Fontana - Frankrijk 6325 352
Alan Stivell Reflections     7 euro vg ex Fontana - 1974 - Gbr 6399 008
Alan Stivell Reflets 5 euro ex ex Fontana - 1970 - Frankrijk 6325 340
Alan Stivell Renaissance of the Celtic Harp 5 euro ex ex Philips - 1971 - Gbr  6414 406
Alaska Y Dinarama Como Pudiste Hacerme Esto a Mi 10 euro ex ex Hispavox  1984-Spanje 12 " Synth. (49) 549 138
Alaska Y Los Pegamoides Grandes Exitos 20 euro ex ex Hispavox - 1984 - Sp new wave (50) 150 060
Alastair McDonald Bonnie Prince Charlie 5 euro ex ex Nevis - Gbr NEV L.P.101
Albana & Roman Power Their most dear lovesongs 5 euro ex ex Arrival  - 1983 - Nld AN 82101
Albert Hammond Greatest Hits 5 euro vg+ ex Epic - 1976 - Europa EPC 81735
Albert Hammond It never rains in Southeren California 10 euro ex ex Epic - 1972 - Nld/ Dld 65 320 
Albert Hammond Albert Hammond 5 euro vg+ vg+ Epic - 1974 - Europa 80 026 
Albert West West and Friends 5 euro ex ex Arcade - 1988 - Nld 013290.21
Alberto Wang Njoeng Sranang 7 euro vg+ ex Fajalobie-1977-Nld latin  433.008. 
Albion Band The Rise uplike the sun 7 euro vg ex Harvest - 1978 - Nld 5c062-06612
Albion Country Band Battle of the field  10 euro vg ex Island - 1976 - Nld  HELP 25
Alda Reserve Love goes on  5 euro vg+ ex Sire - 1979 - USA SRK 6079
Alessi All for a reason 5 euro vg+ vg& A & M - 1977 - Europa  amlh 68446
Alessi Brothers All for a reason 5 euro vg vg+ A & M - 1977 - Nld AMLH 68446
Alessi Brothers All for a reason 5 euro ex ex A& M - 1977 - USA SP 4657
Alessi Brothers ALESSI 10 euro vg vg+ A & M - 1976 - Europa AMLH 64608
ALEX Hello I love you 10 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1979 - Noorwegen 6317 510
Alex Daddy's Child 13 euro vg ex Polydor - 1980 - Scandinavië 2382 105 
Alex Call Alex Call 7 euro vg ex Arista - 1983 - Dld 205 393
Alex Gruarin Alex Gruarin's Muziekhoed 10 euro vg+ vg+ Odeon - 1986 - België  101 A.G. 
Alex Harvey Band The impossible dream 10 euro vg vg Vertigo -1974 - Gbr progrock 6360 112
Alexander Curly Gouden successen van… 5 euro vg+ ex Bovema - 1979 - Nld 5N 038-26145
Alexander Curly Zilverdael 7 euro ex vg+ Negram - 1977 - Nld  NN 7
Alexander Curly Boeren burgers en buitenlui 5 euro vg+ vg+ Negram - 1976 - Nld NK 207 
Alexandra Alexandra 5 euro vg ex Philips Motive - 1981 - Dld 6449 074
Alf Cranner Fiine Antiquiteter 7 euro vg vg+ Fontana - Noorw. Folk reissue 701 721 
Alibi Friends 5 euro ex ex Magnet - 1980 - Nld poprock 1a 062-63960
Alice Gioielloi Rubati  10 euro vg+ ex EMI - 1985 - Europa chanson  1a 064 11 8709 1
Alice Cooper From the inside 18 euro vg+ vg+ WB - 1978 - Gbr k56577 bsk3263
Alicia de Larocha Scarlatti/ Soler - 7 sonatas/ 6 sonatas 7 euro ex ex Decca - 1981 - Europa modern sxl 6949
Alirio Diaz Guitarra de Venezuela 7 euro vg+ vg+  Hifi R - 1959 - USA  flamenco R 812 
Alison Moyet Alf 5 euro ex ex CBS - 1984 - Eu (Nld) 26229.
Alison Moyet Raindancing 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1987 - Nld CBS 450152 1
Allman and Woman  Two the Hard Way ( Gregg and Cher Allman) 11 euro vg ex WB - 1977 - USA southern rock  BSK 3120
Allman Brothers Band Brothers and Sisters 15 euro ex  ex Capricorn - 1973 - Nld  2429 102
Alma Faye Doin' it 10 euro vg vg+ Casablanca-1979-USA funk NBLP 2143
Alpha Band The Spark in the dark 7 euro vg vg+ Arista - 1977 - USA rock AB 4145
Alquin Crash   2 x LP - Terugblik 10 euro ex vg+ Polydor - 1977 - Nld  2646 101
Alquin Nobody can't wait forever 10 euro ex ex Polydor - 1975 - Nld  2925 030
Alquin The Mountain Queen 10 euro matig vg+ Polydor - 1973 - Nld  2925 019 
Alquin Nobody can wait forever 7 euro vg+ ex RCA -1975 - USA APL1-1061
Alterned Learing - ALRN Painted Windows 20 euro geen ex Rational R - 1981 - USA powerpop ATI 002
Alyson Williams RAW 5 euro vg+ ex Def Jam R - 1989 - USA - hip hop C 40515
Amalia Rodrigues Amalia a L' olympia 13 euro ex ex Columbia - 1958 - Frankrijk XLX 540 33 FSX 123
Amalia Rodrigues Amalia Rodriques 5 euro ex ex Mfp - 1980 - Nld 1a022-58067
Amalia Rodriguez Com Que Voz ( pakket hoes)  15 euro vg ex Columbia - 1970 - Portugal fado SPMX 5012
Amalia Rodriguez Fados e guitarradas au Portugal 5 euro vg ex Musidisc - Frankrijk  fado 30 cv 1217 
Amalia Rodriguez Grootste Successen 5 euro matig vg+ Emi - 1981 - Europa 1a 062 - 40542
Amalia Rodriguez No Canecao ( Rio de Janeiro) 7 euro vg ex Columbia - 1972 - Portugal fado 8E 064 40414
Amalia Rodriques No Olympia 10 euro ex ex Columbia - 1971 - Portugal fado 8e 072 11062
Amalia Rodriques Spotlight on Amalia Rodrigues - fado 5 euro vg vg Ducretet - Nederland PLP 6109
Amancio Prada Cantico Espiritual 7 euro vg vg+ Hispavox-1983-Spanje folk  160 001
Amanda Lear Never trust a pretty face 5 euro ex ex Ariola - 1979 - Dld 200 017
Amanda Lear Sweet Revenge 5 euro vg+ vg+ Ariola - 1978 - Dld 25 900 xot 
Amazing RH Aces Stacked Deck  5 euro vg ex ABC - 1975 - Gbr - country rock ABCL 5152
Ambrosia Somewhere I've never travelled 5 euro matig vg WB - 1978 - USA BSK 3182
Ambrosia Somewhere I've never travelled 7 euro vg ex 20thcr - 1976 - Nld  6370 246
Amen Corner Best of Amen Corner  2 x LP  10 euro vg+ vg+ Bellaphon - Dld CR 3052
America VIEW 7 euro ex ex Capitol - Europa 1c 038 15 7599 1
America Harbor 5 euro ex vg+ WB - 1975 - Nld  WB 56351
America Harbor 5 euro vg vg+ WB - 1977 - USA BSK 3017
Ames Brothers Hello Amigos 7 euro ex ex RCA - 1960 - USA latin jazz LSP 2100
Amii Stewart Knock on wood 10 euro vg+ ex Hansa - 1979 - Dld disco  200 461
Amsterdam Guitar Trio JS Bach - Brandenburger concerto 7 euro ex ex RCA red seal-1985-Europa-barok-DMM mastering rl70903
Amsterdam Guitar Trio A. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons 7 euro vg+ ex RCA red seal-1985-Europa- GL 70220
Amy Grant Lead me on 5 euro ex ex Myrrh - 1988 - Gbr Myrr r 6871
Andraé Crouch I'll be thinking of you 5 euro ex ex Light R - 1980 - Gbr - gospel LS 7052
André  Brasseur The Best of André Brasseur 5 euro ex ex CNR - 1977 - Nld 540.068.
Andre Hazes n Vriend 5 euro vg+ vg EMI - 1980 - Nld  1a 058 26612
Andre Hazes Met liefde 5 euro vg vg EMI - 1982 - Nld 1a 068 26853
Andre Hazes Jij en ik 7 euro ex ex EMI - 1984 - Nld  1a 068 12 7168 1
Andre Hazes Eenzame Kerst  5 euro vg+ vg+ Philips - 1977 - Nld 6423 481
Andre Hazes Gewoon André  7 euro ex ex EMI - 1981 - Nld 1a 064-26677
Andre Hazes Zo is ' t leven 7 euro vg vg+ Philips 1981 - Nld reissue 6423 412
Andre Valkering B & Blues Gr Soul Squeeze 5 euro vg+ ex EMI - 1984 - Nld  blues 1a 058 127098 1
Andrea Jürgens Ich zeige dir mein paradis 5 euro ex ex Ariola-1978-Dld schlager 26440 it
Andreas Vollenweider Behind the gardens, behind the wall etc.  5 euro ex ex CBS - 1981 - Nld 85 545
Andreas Vollenweider Behind the gardens, behind the wall etc.  5 euro ex ex CBS - 1981 - Dld 85 545
Andreas Vollenweider Caverna Magica  5 euro ex ex CBS - Dld 25 265
Andreas Vollenweider Dancing with the Lion 5 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1989 - Europa - Ambient cbs 463331 1
Andreas Vollenweider Down to the moon 7 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1986 - Europa  ambient CBS 57001
Andreas Vollenweider White winds 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1984 - Dld ambient 26195. 
Andres Segovia Chaconne 5 euro vg+ ex EMI - 1977 - Nld gitaar 5c065 - 99359 
Andrew L Webber met oa. P Domingo Requiem 7 euro vg ex HMV - 1985 - Nld  27 0242 1
Andrew L Webber/ Tim Rice Evita  2 x LP 7 euro vg vg+ MCA - 1976 - Gbr MCX 503 
Andrew L Webber/ Tim Rice Evita  2 x LP 7 euro vg+ ex MCA - 1976 - Nld 5c 154 9833
Andrew L Webber/ Tim Rice Evita  ( org. London rec) 7 euro vg+ ex MCA - 1978 - Gbr MCG 3527 
Andrew Lloyd Webber Variations met o.a. Rod Argent, Gary Moore 5 euro vg+ vg+ MCA - 1978 - Gbr symph rock MCF 2824
Andrew Lloyd Webber Requiem o.a Placido D, Sarah B 7 euro ex ex EMI - 1985 - Gbr/ Europa ALW 1
Andrew LW/ Marti Webb Tell me on a Sunday 5 euro vg+ ex Polydor - 1980 - Nld  2442 170
Andrew Sisters The best of the Andrew Sisters  2 x LP 5 euro ex ex MCA - 1980 - Nld 300 796
Andy Borg Adios Amor 5 euro vg ex Papagayo-1982-Eu schlager 1c 066-53944
Andy Gibb (our love) don't throw it all away 13 euro nvt vg+ RSO-1979-Gbr  12 " Blauw vinyl RSOX 26 
Andy Pratt Andy Pratt 7 euro vg ex CBS - 1973 - Nld - art rock s 65646
Andy Pratt Resolution 5 euro vg vg+ Nemperor Records - 1976 - USA NE 4380698
Andy Pratt Shiver in the night 5 euro vg+ ex Nemperor R - 1977 - Nld ATL 50386
Angel Viloria Merengues volume 1 7 euro vg+ vg Ansonia - USA ALP 1206
Angelo Branduardi La Demoiselle 5 euro vg+ ex Ariola - Nld  200.220.
Angelo Branduardi El Lardo 13 euro vg+ ex Ariola - 1990 - Europa/ Dld 211 092 
Angelo Branduardi La Luna, Gulliver e Altri Disegni 5 euro ex ex Musiza - 1980 - Frankrijk 202 877 ae 230
Angelo Branduardi Alla Fiera Dell'Est 7 euro ex ex Musiza - 1978 - Dld 26 394 XOT
Angelo Branduardi Cogli la prima mela 5 euro vg+ vg Musiza - 1979 - Dld 200 940 320
Angelo Branduardi English Version 1st lp 1974 10 euro vg+ ex Musiza - 1979 - Dld 200 844 320
Angelo Branduardo Concerto  3x LP in Box 5 euro vg+ ex Musiza - 1980 - Italië?  Musiza 301 161
Animal Crackers De band zonder stekkers 7 euro vg ex Philips - 1975 - Nld  6410 074
Animals The Best of the Animals 10 euro vg+ vg+ Ariola - 1975 - Nld  89 183 xat
Animals The House of the rising sun 7 euro vg+ vg+ Emidisc - Europa 5c 048 50 731
Animals/ Yardbirds The Rock Generation vol 2 7 euro vg+ vg+ BYG - Frankrijk 529.702.
Animals/ Yardbirds The Rock Generation vol 1 7 euro vg+ vg+ BYG - Frankrijk 529.701.
Anita Meyer Shades of desire 5 euro vg vg+ Ariola - 1981 - Nld 203.935.
ANJA Anja 5 euro vg+ ex Elf Prov - Nld  8503.
Anke Anderson Premiére 5 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1985 - Dld PL 70884
Ann Burton By myself alone 7 euro vg ex Philips - 1974 - Nld 9299 441
Ann Burton Collage 10 euro ex ex CBS - 1981 - Nld 85080.
Ann Burton Am I blue  7 euro vg+ ex Keytone - 1981 - Nld jazz KYT 711
Ann Burton Blue Burton 20 euro vg ex Artone - 1967 - Nld - jazz mdj s -3063
Ann Burton ( Louis van Dyke) Ballads & Burton 10 euro vg vg+ CBS - 1971 - Nld  jazz S 52807
Ann Christy Made for love 18 euro vg ex EMI - 1980 - Nld  1a 064-23965
Ann Tholsted Ann Tholsted  45 euro vg+ ex Mode serie - 1968 - Dld  folkrock CDMDINT 9898
Anne Linnet Det sa Dansk 7 euro ex ex Platec-1991-Denem.  Poprock PCLP 8026
Anne Linnet Barndommens Gade 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1986 - Denem. Rock pop CBS 57046
Anne Linnet / Salomonsen Krig og Kaerlighed 7 euro ex ex Platec-1990-Denem.  Poprock PCLP 8021 
Anne Linnet, Marquis de Sade Hvid Magi 5 euro ex vg+ CBS -Denem. Reissue new wave CBS 26406
Anne Murray talk it over in the morning 5 euro ex ex Mfp 1981 - Nld country 1a022-58168
Anne Murray Greatest Hits 5 euro vg+ vg+ Capitol - 1980 - Nld 1a 062-86229
Anne Murray Reason to believe and other e.f. 7 euro ex ex AHED - Canada AS 8101 
Anne Murray Wereldsterren - grootste hits 5 euro ex vg+ Capitol - 1982 - Nld 1a082-86397
Anne Murray/ Glen Campbell Anne Murray & Glen Campbell  - promo lp 5 euro nvt ex Nld 5c062-81014
Anneke Grönloh Anneke Grönloh - Gouden Fparade 7 euro vg ex Philips- 1970 - Nld 6440 057
Anneke Grönloh Liedjes van verlangen 7 euro ex ex Capriccio - 1980 - Nld CWP 1026
Anni Anderson Anni Anderson 5 euro vg+ vg+ Assekrem- België  jazz  ass 80602
Antilles Steelband The Steelband Special 7 euro ex ex Fontana - 1970 - Nld reggae 6476 182
Antilles Steelband the Steelband Special ! 7 euro vg ex Philips - Nld reggae 6401 012 
Antonello Venditti Sotto la Pioggia 13 euro vg vg+ Heinz M - 1982 - Italië  pop slp 2700
Antonio C Chiquette Eres Mia 5 euro ex ex Zafiro - 1984 - Spanje latin ZL 620
ANVIL Forged in fire 10 euro nvt ex RR R - 1983 - Benelux heavy m RR 9927 
Any Trouble Wheels in Motion 5 euro vg ex Stiff - 1981 - Nld - new wave SEEZ 37
Aphrodite's Child All time Greatest Hits  2 x LP 10 euro ex ex Curcio - Italië GSR 53
Aphrodite's Child Greatest Hits 5 euro ex vg+ Mercury - 1974 -  Nld 6333 007
Aphrodite's Child La grande storia del R&R 53 A. Child 5 euro vg ex Curcio - 1982 - Italië GSR 53
Aphrodite's Child It's five 'o  clock 18 euro ex vg+ Mercury - Frankrijk reissue 138.351 mcy 
Aphrodite's Child Aphrodite's Child 5 euro vg vg+ Impact - Frankrijk 6886 650
Aphrodite's Child Best of Aphrodite's Child 10 euro vg+ ex Mercury - 1971 - Dld 6333 002
Apollo 100 Apollo 100 7 euro ex ex Omega - 1973 - Nld cas 25 - 26
Apollo 100 Ballet & Opera 5 euro vg ex Omega - 1975 - Nld klass/pop Om 555.065
Ar Sonerien Du Bal Breton vol. 2 10 euro vg ex Arfolk - 1974 - Frankrijk  folk SB 323 
Arcadia So Red The Rose 5 euro vg+ vg Parlophone-1985-Eu-lp wassen 062 2404 381
Arcadia So Red The Rose 7 euro vg+ vg+ Parl/Odeon-1985- Europa  1c062 24 0438 1
Archies The Greatest Hits 10 euro vg+ ex Bellaphon - 1985 - Dld 230-07-056.
Areatha Franklin Queen of Soul 7 euro vg vg+ Stern CBS - Dld s 52 562
Aretha Franklin Sweet Passion 13 euro vg ex Atlantic - 1977 - USA SD 19102
Ariël Ramirez Missa Creola 5 euro vg vg+ Philips - 1966 - Dld P 14806 L
Ariel Ramirez/ José Carreras Misa Criolla - digital version 15 euro ex ex Philips - 1988 - Europa  420 955-1
Arlo Guthrie Alice's Restaurant 10 euro ex ex Reprise - Gbr  K 44045
Armand Ben ik te min ( en 13 andere succ.) 13 euro vg ex Fontana - 1972 - Nld  6428 004
Armand Ben ik te min 10 euro vg+ ex Philips - 1975 - Nld GoudenM 6375 422
Arnulf Wenning Arnulf Wenning 7 euro vg ex Amiga - 1987 - DDR 8 56 304 
Art Garfunkel Angel Claire 5 euro ex ex CBS - Europa 32976.
Art Garfunkel Fate for Breakfast 5 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1979 - Gbr 86082.
Art Garfunkel Fate for Breakfast 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1979 - Europa/ Nld  86090.
Art Garfunkel My best 7 euro ex ex CBS - Europa/ Nld  24034.
Art Garfunkel Scissors cut 5 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1981 - Europa  cbs 85259
Art Garfunkel The Art Garfunkel Album 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1984 - Nieuw Zeeland SBP 238039 
Art Garfunkel Watermark 5 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1978 - Europa 86054.
Art Garfunkel Watermark 7 euro matig ex CBS - 1977 - Nld 86032.
Art Garfunkel Watermark 7 euro ex ex Columbia - 1977 - USA 34975.
Art Tatum Art Tatum 7 euro ex ex Fabrizi E - 1980 - Italië jazz GDJ 56
Art van Damme Septet: the new sound of… 5 euro ex ex Columbia (1964) USA Jazz cl 2192
Arthur Smith Guitar Boogie - Best of AS 5 euro vg ex Karusell-1970-Nld jazz rock 2350 019 
Artie Kaplan Confessions of a male ch. Pig 5 euro ex vg+ Hopi R - 1972 - Italie cont. Jazz s 65465
Artie Shaw Masters of swing vol 3 5 euro vg+ ex Capitol - 1968 - Dld jazz 1c 054 -80197
Artie Shaw and his Orch.  Back Bay Shuffle 7 euro ex ex RCA - 1956 - USA jazz LPM 1217
Arturo Sandoval Songs from Europe 7 euro ex ex Sound-1985-Nld smooth jazz sph 8807
Ashwood Out of love  10 euro ex ex Poker - 1978 - Nld poprock pol 25064
ASIA Astra 13 euro ex ex Geffen - 1985 - Europa 26413.
ASIA Alpha 10 euro vg+ vg+ Geffen - 1983 - USA  GHR 4008
Asleep at the wheel Framed 5 euro vg+ vg+ MCA - 1980 - Benelux  202 873
Asociale Orkest 't   t Asociale Orkest 7 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1972 - Nld - country/ folk SVAS 1023
Assembled Multitude The Assembled Multitude 5 euro vg ex Atlantic - 1970 - USA SD 8262
Associates Perhaps 10 euro ex ex WEA - 1985 - Eu poprock 240 497-1
Astor Piazzola Lumiere 7 euro ex ex Polydor - Frankrijk - Tango 2393 136
Astor Piazzolla Libertango 5 euro vg+ vg+  Tropical M - 1984 - Dld latin 680.004.
Astrid Gilberto  The Astrid Gilberto Album 7 euro vg vg Verve - Nld 2352 088 
Astrid Nijgh In het teken van de ram 7 euro vg+ ex Polydor - 1976 - Nederland 2925 042
Astrid Nijgh Het beste van Astrid Nijgh 5 euro vg ex Polydor - 1978 - Nld 2491 553
ASWAD Not satisfied 10 euro nvt ex CBS - Gbr eissue roots reggae CBS 32564
Atlanta Rhythm Section Underdog 5 euro vg vg Polydor-1979-Nld southern rock  2391 398
ATMA Haven't you had enough? 7 euro vg ex Govinda - 1980 - Europa  GD 4
Augusto Matelli In papiamento 5 euro vg+ vg+ Aquamanda R - 1976 - Italië  - Latin AGLP 0005
Austin Roberts The last thing on my mind 7 euro nm  nm Chelsea R - 1973 - USA poprock BCL 1-0199
Autopilot Rapid Eye Movement  2 x LP 10 euro ex ex Chrysalis - 1981 - Nld  301 648 420
Awatinas Bolivia  7 euro ex ex Gama - 1984 - België 48156 LP
AXE Living on the Edge 12 euro vg+ vg+ MCA - 1980 - Dld hard rock 202 052
AXIS Someone 14 euro vg vg+ Riviera - 1972 - Nld - progrock 1600.60.
Aztec Camera Knife 7 euro ex ex WEA - 1984 - Dld 240 483-1
B 52 's  The Mesopotamia 18 euro vg+ ex WB - 1982 - USA mini lp mini 3641
B.J. Thomas Songs 5 euro vg vg+ Paramount-1973 -USA  PAS 6052
B.Z.N. In the beginning 7 euro vg ex Polydor - 1980 - Nld  2426 024
Babalu Pizza Al Mundo Con Merenque 7 euro nm nm Mosso - 1987 - Nld MR 0008
Babalu Eddy Mar Salsa Y S Bailando la salsa  2 x LP  18 euro vg vg+ BESS rec. - Ned. Antillen latin Vol. 2/3 
Babe Babe 7 euro vg+ ex Philips - 1980 - Nld 6423 332
Babys The Broken Heart 5 euro vg+ ex Chrysalis - 1977 - Nld  51-1150
Bach - Carl Weinrich Toccata & Fuque in d minor 5 euro vg ex Mfp - 1967 - Gbr Mfp 2111
Bach - Pears, Prey, etc Matthäus Passion box met 4 lp's 16 euro ex ex Decca - 1972 - Dld  ska 25 078
Bachman T Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive 7 euro vg vg+ Mercury - USA reissue  ML 8011
Bachman, Turner Overdrive BTO 2 7 euro vg vg+ Mercury - 1973 - Nld 6338 482
Bachman, Turner Overdrive Head On  7 euro ex ex Mercury-1975-USA hardrock SRM-1 1067
Back Street Crawler Second street 10 euro vg ex Atlantic-1976 - Gbr rock  K 50 267
Bad Company Burnin' Sky 13 euro ex vg+  Island - 1977 - Gbr hard rock ILPS 9441
Bad Company Run with the pack  7 euro vg vg Island - 1976 - Benelux ILPSP 9346
Bad Company Bad Co 18 euro vg+ ex Island - 1974 - Gbr ILPS 9279
Bad Company Bad Co 18 euro vg ex Island -1974 - Dld   88 005 XOT 
Balance In for the count - hardrock 10 euro vg vg+ Portrait - 1982 - Europa 85787. 
Band the The last waltz  3 x LP  25 euro vg+ ex WB - 1978 - Dld compleet  WB 66 076
Banda Taurina Pasobles de Espana 5 euro vg+  ex Palobal - 1967 - Spanje PH 1009
Bangles Different Light  15 euro ex ex CBS - 1986 - Europa  26659.
BAP Für Ussze Schnigge 7 euro ex ex Musikant - 1981 - Europa 1c066-46438
BAP Rockt Andere Kölsche Leeder 7 euro ex ex Eigelstein - 1979 - Dld  6.25368AP
Barbara    Barbara 7 euro vg ex Impact - 1974 - Fr  chanson  6371 106
Barbara Barrow/ Mike Smith Mickey and Babs get hot 7 euro nm nm Bell - 1974 - USA - folk rock Bell 1306
Barbara Dickson Coming alive again 7 euro vg ex Telstar - 1989 - Gbr pop Star 2349
Barbara Dickson Heartbeats 7 euro vg+ ex Epic - 1984 - Gbr pop blue label epc 25706
Barbara Mandrell Love's ups and downs 5 euro vg+ vg+ ABC dot - 1977 - USA country DO-2098 
Barbara Mandrell Clean Cut 7 euro vg+ ex MCA - 1984 - USA  country MCA 5474
Barbra & Bas Terug van de reis 7 euro vg+ ex Imperial - 1972 - Nld 5c056-24751
Barbra Streisand Emotion 5 euro ex vg+ CBS - 1984 - Nld 86309.
Barbra Streisand Barbra 5 euro ex ex CBS - 1984 - Europa/ Nld 86309.
Barbra Streisand A Christmas Album 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1976 - Europa 31850.
Barbra Streisand Streisand Superman 7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1977 - Europa Nld cbs 86030
Barbra Streisand Je m'appelle Barbra 7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1966 - Nld s 62776
Barbra Streisand Till I loved you 7 euro vg ex CBS - 1988 - Europa CBS 462943 1
Barbra Streisand Guilty 5 euro ex ex CBS - 1980 - Nld    86122.
Barbra Streisand Guilty 5 euro g+ ex CBS - 1980 - USA SBP 23 7506
Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1985 - Europa 86322.
Barbra Streisand  Memories 5 euro vg ex CBS - 1981 - Europa / Nld 85418.
Barbra Streisand  Yentl 7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1983 - Nld 86302. 
Barbra Streisand / Omar S Funny Girl 7 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1968 - Gbr 70044/S 70044
Barbra Streisand/ Kris Kr A star is born 7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1976 - Europa ( Nld) 86021.
Barbra Streisand/ Omar Shariff Funny Girl 13 euro ex ex CBS - Nld  s 70044
Barclay James Harvest Octoberon 5 euro vg+ vg & MCA -1980 - USA prog rock MSM 35037
Barclay James Harvest Time Honoured Ghosts 7 euro ex ex Polydor - 1975 - Nld 2460 257
Barclay James Harvest The best of Barclay JH. 7 euro vg+ ex Harvest - 1977 - Dld  32 044 0
Barclay James Harvest Octoberon 7 euro ex ex Polydor - 1976 - Nld 2383 407 
Barefoot Jerry Keys to the country 10 euro vg ex Mon.-1976-Eu country rock  81473. 
Barleycorn The winds are singing freedom 10 euro vg+ ex Dolphin - 1974 - Ierland folk DOLM 5011
Barrabas On the road again 12" Maxisingle 11 euro ex ex Hansa - 1981 - Europa - spacerock 600 - 492
Barrabas Wild safari 20 euro ex ex RCA - 1972 - Dld prog rock LSP 4861
Barron Knights the Night Gallery 7 euro vg+ ex Epic-1978-Gbr comedy pop  epc 83221
Barron Knights the Barron Knights 5 euro vg+ ex Contour - 1981 - Gbr CN 2052
Barron Knights the Live in trouble 7 euro vg+ ex Epic - 1977 - Gbr epc 82451
Barron Longfellow Amour 5 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1983 - Nld - beg: Toto pl 44065
Barry Biggs Coming down with love 10 euro ex ex Ariola - 1983 - Eu 205.671
Barry Manilow The best of…. Pink vinyl 7 euro vg vg+ Arista - 1978 - Nld 5c 062 62030
Barry Manilow Manilow Magic - the best of 5 euro vg vg+ Arista - 1979 - Nld  201 222 - 320
Barry Manilow Barry Manilow II 5 euro ex ex Arista - 1974 - USA arista 4016
Barry Mason The singer and the songs 7 euro vg+ ex Magnet - 1978 - Nld  folkpop 5n058-60743
Barry Norman & The Toppers The Twist 10 euro ex vg+ Hifi Tops - USA L 1738
Barry Reynolds I scare myself 7 euro vg+ vg+ Island - 1982 - Canada  reggae  90011-1
Barry White I've got so much to give 7 euro ex vg+ Philips - 1973 - Nld 6370 200
Barry White Can't get enough 7 euro vg+ ex Philips - 1974 - Nld soul funk 6370 210
Barry White Barry W Greatest Hits 7 euro ex ex Philips - 1977 - Nld  6370 232
Barry White & Love Unlimited Grand Gala 5 euro vg+ ex Philips - 1973 - Nld  6830 169
Barry White and L Unl. Love Songs 7 euro vg+ ex Arcade - 1983 - Nld ADEH 110
Barry White&Love U&LUO Best of Barry White , Love U, LUO 10 euro vg+ ex 20T - 1975-Nld no poster 2x LP 6641 544
Barsextet Tonny Eyck Cocktailmusic in stereo 5 euro vg+ vg& CBR - 1969 - Nld kraakjes kant 1 ZZ 1605 
BASIA Time and tide 10 euro vg+ vg+ Portrait-1987-Eu  cont. Jazz PRT 450623 1
Batida Batida ( Nld band)  7 euro vg+  ex Timeless R - 1984 - Nld fusion SJP 200
BATO Band Haarlem Noord 7 euro ex ex Bato - 1982 - Nld brass VR 22161
Battlefield Band The Home is where the van is 7 euro ex ex Stoof - 1981 - Nld celtic folk MU 7480
Bay City Rollers It's a game 7 euro vg+  vg+ Arista/ Negram - 1977 - Nld AL 7004
Bay City Rollers Dedication 10 euro vg+ vg+ Bell - 1976 - Gbr SYBEL 8005
Bay City Rollers It's a game 7 euro vg vg+ Arista - 1977 - Nld AL 7004
Bay City Rollers Bay City Rollers 7 euro vg+ vg+ Bell - 1975 - Gbr SYBEL 8002
Be Bop De Luxe Modern Music 7 euro vg+ ex Harvest - 1976 - Gbr SHSP 4058
Be Bop De Luxe Live! In the Air Age  LP en 12"   10 euro vg ex Harvest - 1977 - USA progrock SKB 11666
Be Bop De Luxe Live! In the Air Age 10 euro ex ex Harvest - 1977 - Gbr progrock no 7 " SHVL 816 
Bea Brandt Buys Chansons 5 euro ex ex 11 Provinciën - 1974 - Nld Elf 15.56
Beach Boys 20 greatest hits 7 euro ex ex Arcade/ Oden - Nld  ADEH 60
Beach Boys Love You 10 euro ex ex Reprise - 1977 - USA  msk 2258
Beach Boys Super Hits 7 euro ex ex Capitol - 1978 - USA SL-9114
Beach Boys The Beach Boys 5 euro matig vg+ SR international - Dld  77271.
Beach Boys The definite album 5 euro vg ex Capitol - 1975 - Nld reissue 5c048 80279
Beach Boys The definite album -spirit of rock 5 euro vg ex Capitol - Nld fotoboek artiesten 5c046-80279x
Beach Boys Grootste hits  5 euro g+ vg+ Capitol - Nld  1a 062-82232
Beach Boys All time greatest hits 2 x LP 10 euro ex ex Capitol - 1974 - Nld  5c180.81675/6
Beach Boys The Bboys bests 40 gr hits 2 x LP 7 euro vg+ vg+ Capitol - Nld  LPTV 1-2
Beach Boys Beach Boys Oldies 5 euro vg+ vg+ Emidisc - Dld  1c048 50 776
Beatles The Beatles for Sale 10 euro vg g+ Parl-1976-Gbr kraakjes nr 1 kant 1 PCS 3062
Beatles The Beatles Greatest  10 euro vg vg+ Odeon Sterrenserie-1978 - Nld 5c062-04207
Beatles The Beatles Greatest  7 euro vg+ ex Parlophone - 1975 - Nld  OMHS 3001
Beatles The Let it be 12 euro vg vg+ Parlophone - Nld - reissue 5c 062-04433 Y
Beatles The Let it be 18 euro g+ ex Apple - USA unofficial record AR 34001 js 17501
Beatles The Introducing the Beatles 20 euro vg vg+ Vee jay - USA bootleg VJLP 1062 
Beatles The Rock 'n ' Roll Music  2 x LP 12 euro vg ex Odeon - 1976 - Dld 1c 178 06 138
Beatles The Rock 'n 'Roll Music vol. 1 en 2 2x LP 12 euro ex ex Parlophone - 1976 - Nld 5c 178 06137/8
Beatles The Rock & Roll Music  2 x LP 12 euro ex ex EMI - 1976 - Nld 5c 178-06137/8
Beatles The Sgt Peppers Lonely HC Band 50 euro vg+ vg+ Odeon  - 1967 - Frankrijk  PCS 7027 yex638
Beatles The Rock 'n roll music vol. 1 10 euro vg+ ex Mfp - 1980 - Nld  1a022-58130
Beatles The HELP 20 euro vg vg+& Parlophone-1965 - Gbr PMC 1255
Beatles The The Early years ( ftTony Sheridan) 13 euro vg vg+ Contour - 1971 - Gbr  2870111.
Beatles The The B. live at the Starclub Hamburg 13 euro vg vg+ Ariola - 1977 - Nld 2 x LP  28945.
Beatles The A collection of Beatles oldies  18 euro ex vg+ Parlophone - 1966 - Gbr PCS 7016
Beatles The With the Beatles ( groene hoes) 30 euro vg ex Odeon - 1969 - Dld reissue 1c 062 04 181
Beatles The 1962 - 1966  2 x LP 18 euro vg+ vg+ Apple - 1978 - Nld  5c184-05.307/08
Beatles The HELP !  20 euro vg vg Parlophone - 1965 - Gbr  PCS 3071
Beatles The Magical Mystery Tour incl booklet 25 euro ex ex Apple-1973-USA reissue SMAL 2835
Beatles The 1967 - 1970  2 x LP ( Blauw) 18 euro vg+ ex Apple - 1973 - Nld 5c184-05309/10
Beatles The Sgt Peppers Lonely HC Band 40 euro vg+ vg+ Parl - 1967 - Frankr - Gbr hoes PCS 7027 yex638
Beau Beau 5 euro geen g+ Dandelion - 1969 - UK ( geen hoes)  s 63751
Beegees Best of Beegees 7 euro ex ex Polydor - 1969 - Gbr 583063.
Beegees Massachusetts 5 euro ex vg+ Pickwick R - 1983 - Gbr CNV 2002 
Beegees Portrait of the Beegees 5 euro ex ex Polydor special Nld 2482 091
Beegees Rare, precious and beautiful 7 euro vg vg+ Polydor-1968 - Gbr reissue 236221.
Beegees Rare, precious and beautiful vol 2 7 euro vg vg+ Polydor - 1969 - Gbr 236513.
Beegees Spirits having flown 5 euro vg+ vg+ RSO - 1979 - USA RS-1-3041
Beegees Take hold of that star -opnamen 1964 5 euro vg+ ex Pickwick - 1978 - USA Ban 90031
Beegees To whom it may concern 10 euro vg+ ex Polydor - 1972 - Dld  2383 139
Beegees Spirits having flown 5 euro vg+ vg+ RSO - 1979 - Nld 2394 216
Beegees In the beginning 5 euro vg vg+ Pickwick - 1978 - Gbr  SHM 973
Beegees Best of vol. 2  10 euro vg+ vg+ Polydor - 1971 - Dld 2480 030
Beegees Saturday Night Fever 2 x LP  10 euro ex ex RSO - 1977 - Nld  2658 123
Bell & James Only make believe 10 euro vg+ ex A&M - 1979 - Nld soulfunk AMLH 64784
Beltane Fire Different Breed 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1986 - Nld CBS 26582
Ben Benson Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel 7 euro vg+ ex Dureco - Nld 44.139. 
Ben Cramer Anders dan anders 5 euro ex ex WEA - 1980 - Nld WEAN 58 241
Ben Cramer Leven 7 euro vg+ ex Halter - 1976 - Nld HLT 123.010 G 
Ben E. King I had a love 13 euro vg+ vg+ Atlantic-1976 - USA soulfunk SD 18169
Ben Steneker Hello again 7 euro vg+ vg+ Killroy - 1980 - Nld  KSP 16964 kl
Ben Webster Ben op zijn best 7 euro vg+ ex WestsideS - 1970-Nld Cool Jazz 6802 656
Benediktijnen Abdij Clervaux Gregoriaanse gezangen 5 euro vg ex Fontana - 1968 - Nld 834 077 ZKY
Benny Andersson,Tim Rice CHESS  2 x LP  10 euro ex ex Polar - 1984 - Scand. Polyxl 2 - 600
Benny Golson Benny Golson's New York Scene 18 euro ex ex Or Jazz C - 1984 - USA hard bop OJC 164
Benny Goodman Trio & Quartet 1935-1938 7 euro ex ex RCA - Nieuw Zeeland  lpv 1009
Benny Goodman Trio & Quartet (1935-1938) 7 euro ex ex RCA - Frankrijk 730.629.
Benny Goodman Compl BG Volume 5 1937/38 2x LP 5 euro vg+ vg+ Bluebird - 1978 - USA AXM2 5557
Benny Goodman Compl BG Volume 4 1936/37 2x LP 5 euro vg+ vg RCA - 1976 - USA AXM2 5537
Benny Goodman Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert 1938 vol. 1 5 euro ex vg+ Columbia - 1956 - Gbr CL 814
Benny Goodman Benny Goodman's greatest Hits 5 euro vg ex CBS - Europa - repress 52368.
Benny Goodman B.G. from 1927-1934 5 euro ex ex Brunswick - USA Jazz BL54010
Benny Goodman, Lionel H e.a. I gigantie del Jazz vol 4 5 euro vg+ ex Curcio - 1981 - Italië GJ 4
Benny Goodman/ Gene Krupa The kings of Jazz Big Bands 2 x LP 5 euro vg vg+ Festival - 1973 - Frankrijk album 153 
Benny's Big Show Band Benny's Big Show Band 5 euro vg ex Not OL - 1984 - Nld jazz LP 14-7-44 JV
Benzine ( Pieter Bouwman) De lucht van Benzine 10 euro vg+ ex ABC records - 1989 - Nld  6819 221
Berdien Stenberg All Seasons 5 euro ex ex Philips - 1985 - Nld 826 210 1
Berl. Philh. Herbert v K Beethoven symphonie nr 8 10 euro ex ex Deutsche G - Dld  139015 slpm
Bernard Lavilliers Le Stephanois 10 euro ex ex Le Disques M - 1979 - Frankrijk MTO 77006
Bernard Swell Je te tuerai 5 euro vg+ vg+ Atlantic - 1980 - Frankrijk 50 741
Bernie Leadon - Michael Georgiades Natural progressions 10 euro ex ex Asylum - 1977 - Dld AS 53063
Bersaglieri's Brass Baand The music of Bersaglieri 5 euro vg+ ex Emmebi - 1978 - Italië MB 12 
Bert Weedon Mr Guitar   2 x LP 7 euro ex vg+ Mfp - 1984 - Gbr  DL 41 1052 3
Bertus Steigerpaap Stoere haand 10 euro  ex ex EMI - 1987 - Nld  7483631.
Bette Middler Broken Blossom 5 euro vg+ ex Atlantic - 1977 - USA SD 19151
Bette Middler The divine Miss M. 7 euro vg ex Atlantic - 1972 - Dld 40453. 
Bette Middler Thighs and whispers 5 euro ex ex Atlantic - 1979 - Nld ATL 50636
Bette Middler Songs fro the new depression 5 euro vg+ vg+ Atlantic - 1976 - USA SD 18155
Bette Midler Divine Madness 5 euro vg+ ex Atlantic-1980 - Dld ATL 50 760
Betty Everett/ The Earls Betty Everett/ The Earls  7 euro vg+ ex Curcio - 1982 - Italie/ R & Roll GSR 50
Beverly Skeete Warm  12 "  20 euro nvt ex Elite -1985 - Gbr soul funk dazz 36
Biddu orchestra Blue Eyed Soul 5 euro vg+ ex Columbia - 1975 - Canada ES 90313 
Big Bazar Le Le Big Bazar 5 euro vg ex BBZ - 1977 - Frankrijk  BZL 7011
Big Country The crossing 10 euro vg+ vg+ Mercury - 1983 - Nld  812. 870 - 1
Big Jam ( Steve Miller a.o) Spontaneous jam session at a TravRF 7 euro matig vg Mercury - 1970 - Nld 6830 030
Big Joe Turner, Buck C e.a. I giganti del Jazz 17 5 euro vg+ ex Curcio - Italië GJ 17
Big Sid Catlett Quartet Sax Scene 5 euro vg+ ex London - 974 - Gbr mono jazz HMC 5004. 
Bill Anderson Love.. And other sad stories 5 euro ex vg+ MCA-1978-USA niet op discogs  MCA 2371 
Bill Brookers'Jug Band Lazy Delicious Land  5 euro vg vg+ Negram - 1974 - Nld ragtime NR 101 
Bill Evans  Bill Evans at the Montreux J Fest 20 euro ex ex Verve - Dld reissue  jazz 827 844 1
Bill Haley Bill Haley Story R & R Story 2 x LP 10 euro vg ex Coral - 1971 - Italië COPS 9098-99
Bill Haley The king of rock 'n 'roll 5 euro vg+ vg+ Somerset - Dld somerset 667
Bill Haley & His Comets Bill Haley Greatest Hits 5 euro ex ex Coral - 1969 - Dld COPS 1015
Bill Haley & The Comets Rock! Rock ! Rock! 5 euro vg+ vg+ Musidisc - 1970 - Fr 30co1072
Bill Haley & The Comets Rock around the clock 5 euro ex ex SHM - Gbr SHM 668
Bill Haley & The Comets with love from  5 euro vg ex Capri - België  CA 66 Y 218
Bill Haley and his Comets Rock around the Clock 7 euro vg+  vg+ Brunswick -1 966 - Nld gold ac DZ 177 021 
Bill Haley and the Comets The legends of rock  2 x LP 5 euro vg+ vg Coral - 1973 - USA COPS 6292/1-2
Bill Haley and the Comets Live Explosive Rock 'n Roll 10 euro ex ex Vogue - 1968 - Dld LDSV 17154
Bill Haley and the Comets More great rock & roll 5 euro vg+ ex Mfp - 1975 - Frankrijk 2m046 - 95290
Bill Haley and the Comets The best of Bill Haley and the C 5 euro ex ex Polydor - 1982 - Spanje / Nld  HO 19
Bill Haley/ Little Richard Rocking Around 5 euro vg+ vg  Discofoon -1973 - Nld -kras geen invloed 7160.795.
Bill Kenny Bill Kenny sings the ghits Inkspots 5 euro ex ex Fontana - 1968-Gb reissue sfl.13012
Bill McGuffie Latin Overtones 5 euro vg+ vg+ Philips - 1968 - Gbr  latin LPS16001
Bill Shepherd Singers Aurora ( sing the Beegees) 5 euro ex ex ATCO - 1968 - USA ( vocal) SD 33-262
Billie Holiday 10 fabulous recordings of the 40ties 5 euro vg+ vg+ Joker - 1973 - Italië SM 3289
Billie Holiday All of Me Volume 3 7 euro ex vg+ Saga - 1975 - Gbr  saga 6930
Billie Holiday Billie's  Blues 7 euro ex ex CBS - 1973 - Nld jazz 53248.
Billie Holiday Fine and Mellow 1939 and 1944 Cclassics 7 euro vg+ ex Commodore-1979 - Dld 6.24055 AG
Billie Holiday Lady Day Blues 5 euro vg+ ex AJ records - 1972 - USA jazz AJ 504
Billie Holiday Live at the Carnegie Hall 10 euro ex ex Magic M - 1990 - Dld bootleg 10015.
Billie Holiday Nothing but the truth 10 euro ex ex Magic M - 1990 - Dld bootleg 10014.
Billie Holiday The Billie Holiday Story volume 1 2x LP 10 euro ex ex CBS - Nld  68228.
Billie Holiday The original recordings  10 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1973 - Nld jazz s 65407
Billie Holiday Historique - Inedit 30 euro ex vg+ Mode D - 1965 - Fr jazz blues mdp. 9371
Billie Holiday, Charlie P e.a. I giganti del jazz 14 7 euro ex ex Curcio - 1980 - Italië  GJ 14
Billie Jo Spears Blanket on the ground 5 euro vg+ ex UA - 1975 - Nld country UAS 29866
Billie Jo Spears What I've got in mind 5 euro vg+ ex UA - 1976 - Nld country 5c062 - 97964
Billie Jo Spears It could've been me 7 euro vg ex Showcase1985 - Gbr  country  SHLP 104
Billie Jo Spears I will survive 5 euro ex ex UA -1979 - Nld country 5c 062 82668
Billie Jo Spears Billie Jo 5 euro vg ex UA - 1975 - Nld  5c 062-97 184
Billy Cotton and his Band Wakee wakee 5 euro vg+ ex ASV R - 1985 - Gbr  jazz AJA 5037
Billy Field Bad Habits 5 euro vg+ ex Wea - 1981 - Europa jazzrock wea k 90 026
Billy Fury Halfway to Paradise 13 euro ex ex Decca - 1971 - Dld ND 767
Billy Jackson and the C Band Billy Jackson and the Citizen's Band 7 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1976 - USA APL 1 -2029
Billy Jenkins & The Voice of GC Sounds like Bromley 15 euro vg+ ex Plym S-1982 - Gbr jazz rock 1 BB 1
Billy Joel 52nd street 7 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1978 - Europa  cbs 83181
Billy Joel The nylon curtain 15 euro ex ex CBS - 1982 - Nld  CX 85959
Billy Katt Secret Smiles 10 euro ex ex MCA - 1982 - USA pop  MCA 5346
Billy May A band is born 7 euro ex ex Capitol - 1978 - Nld jazz 5c038 85417
Billy Ocean Suddenly 7 euro ex ex Jive - 1984 - Europa soulfunk 656.059. 
Billy Ocean Tear down these walls 7 euro vg ex Jive - 1988 - Gbr soul funk hip 57
Billy Swan I can help 5 euro vg+ ex Monument-1974 - Europa  80615.
Billy Swan Billy Swan 7 euro vg vg+ Monument - 1976 - Europa mnt 81387
Billy Vaughn Moonlight Serenade 5 euro vg+ ex Lotus R - 1978 - Gbr WH 5010
Billy Vaughn The best of Billy Vaughn 5 euro vg ex DOT - 1967 - Canada DLP 25811
Billy Vera & Judy Clay Storybook Children 7 euro ex vg+ Atlantic - 1968 -USA groen/bl labels SD 8174
Billy Vera and the Beaters By request ( the best of) 7 euro ex ex Polydor - 1986 - Nld 831.835-1
Billy Walker Billy Walker 5 euro ex ex Dot - 1986 - USA  country MCA 39090 
Bing C, Grace K, Frank Sinatra High Society  7 euro ex ex Capitol - Nld music Cole Porter 1a 028-50714
Bing Crosby Bingo Viejo 5 euro ex ex London - 1977 - Gbr SHU 8499
Bing Crosby/Louis Armstrong Bing Crosby-Louis Armstrong 7 euro vg+ ex Capitol -  1977 - USA jazz SM 11735 
Bintangs Night Fighter 13 euro ex vg+ Ariola - 1979 - Nld  200 525 
Birtles & Goble The last romance 5 euro matig ex Emi - 1979 - Nld niet op discogs 1a062-86145
Bix Beiderbecke   A good man is hard to find 5 euro vg ex Joker - 1973 - Italië  jazz SM 3 562 
Bix Beiderbecke & The Worch The legendary Bix Beiderbecke 5 euro vg ex Classic J Masters - Dld 22020.
Bizet, Resnik, Del Monaco a.o Carmen highlights 13 euro ex ex Decca - 1963 - Gbr lxt 6156 mono
Björn J  Lindh/ S Scheja Europa 5 euro vg ex Vrigin-1984-Zweden ambient 206 000
Björn J:Son Lindh A day at the surface 7 euro ex ex Sonet - 1980 - Gbr SNTF 833
Black Comedy 5 euro ex ex A& M -1988 - Eu synth pop 395222-1
Black Album Band  The Black Album 7 euro vg+ vg+ TNT Enterprises- 1989 - Fr TTE003RB89LP
Black Buster Disco Sound 25 euro vg+ ex Bellaphon - 1976 - Dld BLPS 19240
Black Fööös De Wenn es jöck….. 5 euro vg ex EMI - 1981 - Dld  1c 006-46 501
Bläck Fööss De Immer wigger immer wigger 5 euro ex vg+ EMI - 1983 - Dld 1c066 1468221
Black Light Orchestra Het gebeurde in het westen  7 euro vg+ ex RCA - 1978 - Nld disco KL 10261
Black Stalin Caribbean Man   7 euro nvt vg+ Makossa-1979 - USA calypso M 2342 
Blackbirds / Rthunders etc The rockin' sounds of the early 60's 7 euro ex ex r-union r - 1987 - Nld  rr 087 081 
Blackout Blackout 1 7 euro ex ex CNR - 1979 - Nld new wave 660.057.
Blammers The Hammer Blues 10 euro ex vg Big Ten Inch - Dld schoonmaken kir 82234
Blancmange Happy Families 5 euro ex vg+ London - 1982 - Nld synth pop  6399 400
Blast Blast 5 euro ex ex EMI -1 986 - Nld 139587 1
BLOEM Bloemstukken 7 euro vg+ ex CNR - 1982 - Nederland 655 159
Blondie Eat to the beat 12 euro vg+ ex Chrysalis - 1979 - Nld new wave 51.1225.
Blondie Plastic Letters 13 euro vg+ ex Chrysalis - 1978 - Nld  511166.
Blonker Windmills 7 euro vg vg+ Philips - 1983 - Venezuela LP 40.386
Blonker Fantasia 7 euro ex ex Philips - 1980 - Nld  ambient  6435 091
Blood Sweat & Tears Blood Sweat & Tears  3 10 euro vg vg+ CBS - 1970 - Nld s 64024
Blood Sweat & Tears Latin Fire 5 euro vg+ vg& Platinum - 1985 - Dld PLP 25 24041
Blood Sweat & Tears 2nd Album 7 euro ex vg& Embassy -Europa reissue emb 31 382
Blood, Sweat & Tears Mirror Image 7 euro vg  vg+ CBS - 1974 - Nld 80153. 
Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears 2e album 7 euro vg vg+ Embassy - Europa  Emb 31382
Blood, Sweat & Tears Greatest Hits 7 euro vg vg+ CBS - 1972 - Nld  S64803
Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears 3 10 euro ex ex CBS - 1970-Nld green frontlabel S 64024
Bloodgood Detonation 15 euro ex ex Frontline - 1987 - Eu heavy metal RO9019
Blow Monkeys The She was only a grocer's daughter 7 euro vg ex RCA - 1987 - Europa PL 71245
Blue Band The ( ned groep) Slithering 5 euro geen ex Ariola - 1979 - Nld Blues Rock  200.646.
Blue Cats Fight Back 7 euro matig ex Rock H Records - 1982 - Nld  LPL 8111
Blue China Spiritual Beauty 7 euro geen ex ElU-1983-Zwitsland gothic rock EU 003
Blue Diamonds Wereldsuccessen - mono 5 euro ex vg+ Decca - 1968? - Nld 625 373 QL 
Blue Diamonds Wereldsuccessen 5 euro vg+ ex Reader D - 1969 - Nld  DRDS 2531
Blue Diamonds Zingend tussen 2 werelden 7 euro ex ex Killroy - 1980 - Nld KIL 19938 KL 
Blue Diamonds Now !   ( Canadese groep) 5 euro ex vg+ Harmony-1972-Canada country  KHE 90201 
Blue Haze Blue Haze 7 euro vg ex A & M - 1973 - Nld  soulfunk 87501 IT
Blue Mink Only when I laugh 7 euro matig vg+ EMI - 1973 - Nld 5c062-94629
Blue Öyster Cult Secret Treaties 12 euro vg ex CBS - 1974 - Eu S80103
Bluebells The Sisters 7 euro vg vg+ London - 1984-Gbr folkrock 820 104 1
Bluebells The Sisters 7 euro vg+ ex London - 1984 - Eu  folkrock 820 104 1
Bo Hansson Music Inspired by Watership Down 7 euro vg ex Charisma - 1977 - Dld 9124 015 
Bo Hansson Magician's  Hat 12 euro vg+ ex Staeside - 1973 - Nld 5c 054-95109
Bob Bouber De beste Bob Bouber (ZZ en de Maskers) 5 euro vg ex CNR - 1975 - Nld 538 104
Bob Brookmeyer  Bob Brookmeyer and Friends 10 euro ex ex CBS - 1985 - Nld reissue cbs 21123
Bob Driver Songbird 5 euro vg ex Lancelot - 1980 - Nld LL 50.001
Bob Dylan Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid 7 euro vg vg+ CBS - 1973 - Gbr 69042.
Bob Dylan Street Legal 10 euro vg+ ex CBS - 1978 - Nld  86067.
Bob Dylan Shelter from a hard rain 1976 18 euro nm nm CL - 2019 - Nld  nieuw 180 grams CL 78533
Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Greatest Hits 7 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1967 - Eu/ Nld  s 62 694
Bob Dylan Blonde on blonde  ( BD vol2) 12 euro vg+ vg+ CBS - 1967 - Nld s 62737
Bob Dylan Greatest Hits 7 euro g+ ex CBS - 1966 - Gbr S BPG 62847
Bob Dylan More Bob Dylan Gr Hits  2 x LP 10 euro vg vg+ CBS - 1971 - Nld s 67239
Bob Leaper Big Band Try this on for size 5 euro vg ex Pye - 1970 - Gbr  jazz NSPL. 18339 
Bob Seeger & The SBBand Against the wind 7 euro ex ex Capitol - 1980 - Nld  1a062 86097
Bob Seeger & The SBBand Against the wind 7 euro vg+ vg+ Capitol - 1980 - USA  SOO 12041
Bob Seger & The SBBand Night Moves 7 euro vg vg+ Capitol - Canada reissue ST 11557
Bob Wallis + The Sjazzmen Volume 1 5 euro vg+ vg Pebe - 1979 - Zwitserland R+P 1091 LP
Bob Wallis + The Sjazzmen Volume 2 5 euro vg+ vg+ Pebe - 1979 - Zwitserland R+P 1092 LP
Bob Welch Man overboard 5 euro vg+ ex Capitol - 1980 - Europa 1c 064 86231
Bob Wilber Two's company - with studybook 5 euro ex ex Music Minus One - USA MMO 4035
Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys The Bob Wills Anthology 5 euro ex ex CBS / Embassy - 1973 - Gbr country 31611.